Pere Subirana: Dowsing

Pere Subirana: Dowsing

Pere Subirana: Dowsing

This Saturday at 20:XNUMX p.m. in Spain we are doing a free chat among friends where we can talk about whatever you want. This is the link to enter:

Sant Feliu de Buixalleu It is a very extensive municipality, more than 60 km2, however its population is barely 800 inhabitants.

This means that it is a municipality where there is a lot of nature, a lot of tranquility and that allows the work of liberal professionals such as writers, translators, etc. and in the case of Pere Subirana it allows him to practice dowsing.

Pere Subirana is dowser, therapist and trainer. He has developed the Light Therapy, based on dowsing. Healing goes more than treating physical symptoms, it treats the most spiritual part of the person because his physical health depends on spiritual health.

He works as a trainer in the fields of dowsing and space harmonization.


Dowsing and the medicine of the future:

The coronavirus crisis has put the health system on the brink of collapse. Hospitals are heirs of an industrial organizational system, they are "factories for treating the sick" that leave little room for personalized medicine. The three crises currently facing healthcare as we know it are:

  • Crisis of the organizational model.
  • A crisis of confidence. More and more people are asking: “Who are doctors serving?” and "In exchange for a pharmaceutical company paying money, trips and other gifts to healthcare workers?" The family doctor disappears swallowed up by inexplicable protocols.
  • A crisis of its paradigm, of the philosophy on which the model is based. Current medicine tries to heal the body and mind, but leaves aside the soul of the person. Reality is not only material, there is an invisible, energetic reality, beyond matter. The human being has a body but it is not a body, he is a spiritual being above all, he has a soul with needs, desires, a path to follow and a subconscious where vital experiences are recorded.

The usual diagnostic methods do not serve to treat the "invisible" energetic bodies, nor the unconscious programs of a person, nor do they see the relationship between health problems and the evolutionary path that we come to follow on this planet. You don't see the deep meaning of a problem.

Dowsing is the key to a new medicine that treats the "informational content" that exists in a person's energy fields, that treats the content and not the body "reservoir." I have developed the Light Therapy, a therapy created entirely with dowsing that allows us to have a deep understanding of diseases. Without a good understanding of reality, there can be no good therapeutic action.

Journal of Radiesthesia and Light Therapy

number 10

number 9

number 8

Books by Pere Subirana: Dowsing

Pere Subirana publishes a monthly NewsLetter on Radiesthesia and has written several books, including:

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