The PP presents the Córdoba Declaration as a roadmap for unity and coordination between autonomous communities

Roman Bridge in Córdoba

The PP presents the Córdoba Declaration as a roadmap for territorial coordination and common action between autonomous communities

This weekend, the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, led a meeting in Córdoba along with members of the party leadership, regional presidents and representatives of autonomous cities. At this summit, which included the participation of eleven regional presidents, the vice president of the Canary Islands, the president of Melilla and a counselor from Ceuta, the party sought to agree on strategic lines of action on crucial issues for the future of Spain and the well-being of the people. citizens.

Under the coordination of the general secretary of the party, Cuca Gamarra, and with the participation of the regional directorates and the different deputy secretaries, the main objective of the conclave was "to systematize the fluid collaboration that already exists between the leadership of the PP and the regional governments to "export good political practices that result in better management for citizens," according to PP sources.

Among the agreed goals are undertaking common projects to "guarantee the unity and equality of Spaniards", as well as strengthening and promoting political action in key areas to respond to the demands of citizens.

Furthermore, the importance of maintaining coordination was highlighted in the face of the Sánchez Government's attempts to undermine equality between citizens and solidarity between territories. For the PP, it is essential to promote the exchange of good management practices and promote strategic alliances between the autonomous communities in areas of common interest.

As a culmination of this three-day meeting, the PP will present the Córdoba Declaration, a document that will serve as a roadmap for common action and interterritorial coordination between the regional governments and the national leadership of the party. This document will detail the agreements and points of collaboration between the different autonomous communities, as well as the common lines of action in State policies and the good practices to be implemented for the benefit of citizens.

From the PP they highlight that the autonomous communities are the institutions that manage fundamental public policies such as Health, Education and Social Services, and that the party governs for 70% of the Spanish population, thus holding the greatest territorial power in its history. .

In contrast, they criticize the central government for its lack of action and responsibility, focusing on resistance instead of investing and promoting policies in favor of the general interest. They regret that the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez are more concerned about covering up corruption than taking measures to benefit the country.

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