The new PB Coma-ruga headquarters was inaugurated with a luxury party

An impressive cast of former players and more than thirty penyes accompanied the Penedès entity
It is known that Josep Maldonado puts everything together in a big way. And, logically, the official inauguration of the new headquarters of the PB Coma-ruga that he presides, could not be an exception. It was a truly luxurious party. And it is that a large number of Blaugrana 'old glories' and the 'cream' of the club world gathered together with the people from the club.

Josep Maldonado, Elisabet Cardoner, Benet Jané, Emma Gamper and Alfons Godall cut the ribbon.
Josep Maldonado, Elisabet Cardoner, Benet Jané, Emma Gamper and Alfons Godall cut the ribbon.

The place, third in the 14 years of history of the penya and first owned, is on Calle de la Segarra and is a true museum in which objects of enormous sentimental value appear, many of them donated by former players.

Seguer, Manchón, Celdrán, Sadurní, Mora, De la Cruz, Zuviría, Estella, Julio Alberto, Bakero, Vinyals, Herrera, what a cast of Blaugrana stars gathered at the opening party! And, along with them, other football men such as Jordi Gonzalvo, Juan de Dios Carrasco, Sergi Albert, Rojas, Àlex Olivé, etc. And two illustrious granddaughters, that of the club's founder, Emma Gamper and that of Nicolau Casaus, Elisabet Cardoner. They were in charge of cutting the formal ribbon together with Maldonado, the representative of FC Barcelona, ​​the vice president Alfons Godall and the mayor of El Vendrell, Benet Jané, who arrived just to make this gesture. Until then, he had been represented by councilor Àngels Turdiu. The event took place outside the premises and began with performances by the students of the Music School, under the direction of Carlota Baldrich. There was no shortage, in the land of Pau Casals, of 'El cant dels Ocells', the beautiful anonymous melody that popularized universal Catalan. Rudy Ventura also played various pieces.

There were distinctions for the members of the penya Rafa Domínguez, Miquel Sangenís and Antoni Tudela, for two special collaborators Joan Cala and Paco Miralles, for the aforementioned Baldrich and for the two 'mothers' of the penya, the 'santboianenques' Maria Antònia Milà and Xisca Duran, widow of Clariana. They were delivered by former players. They spoke, along with the senator and local president, Alfons Godall, Elisabet Cardoner, the 'alderwoman' Turdiu, and mayor Jané. And there was a religious blessing by the friendly priest Jordi Barenys.

The host club gave a souvenir to those present and also to each of the attending clubs: Sitges, Pla de Santa Maria, Gavà, Roquetes del Garraf, Vilanova, Calafell, Salvador Sadurní de L'Arboç, Banyeres del Penedès, Cunit, Santa Oliva, Santa Margarita i els Monjos, Santpedor, Navarcles, La Gornal, Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Sant Boi, Montferri, Sarral, Casal de Tarragona, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Mil·lenni, El Vendrell, La Bisbal del Penedès, L 'Avellana de Riudoms, Gran Penya Tarragona, Torredembarra, Altafulla, Sant Fruitós de Bages, El Celler de l'Avi, La Guineu and La Sagrera.

At the end of the event, there was an aperitif and a visit to the premises where everyone was amazed by the 'treasures' that could be admired there. Afterwards, the Board of Directors and several veterans met at a dinner whose great attraction was the performance of the illusionist Fausto Thaus.

The PB Coma-ruga will inaugurate a monument to Casaus in a couple of months and will organize a magic tribute to Rudy Ventura.


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