Legal problems of your home

  • by Josep Maria Reichardt
  • 1 years ago
  • News
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Legal problems of your home. House contract and keys.

A lawyer to solve the legal problems of your home

Financial institutions try to obtain the greatest benefit from their clients, one of the abuses that have been committed and which the EU has put a stop to is the application of the floor clause in mortgage loans. The floor clause in a variable interest rate mortgage allows the bank to charge a certain minimum interest rate (the one specified in the floor clause) even if interest rates fall below this minimum.

Floor clauses have been declared illegal for consumers and banks have to return the differential between the rates they charged thanks to this clause and the rates that should have been applied. The interest rates that are applied in a variable interest mortgage are calculated by the sum of a base and a differential, the base that is currently used is the Euribor and the differential depends on the negotiating capacity of the client and is usually between 1 and 3%. Since the Euribor has dropped a lot in recent months, reaching even negative values, the sum of Euribor + differential is often lower than the rates applied by banks favored by floor clauses.

The banks have to return the interest charged in excess due to the application of the floor clause, which for a medium-sized mortgage can amount to thousands of euros. However, they do not provide any type of facility to make this return, first of all they have to be requested in writing, but unfortunately it is likely that you will have to end up using the services of a floor clause lawyer.

In some aspects, the aphorism of casinos can be applied to financial institutions, when it is said that "the Bank always wins".

We consumers hardly perceive the abuses of the banks, for example: has the difference between the date on which you carry out an operation and the value date that your bank applies to you been set? If you deposit money on Tuesday, your bank will probably apply a value date of Wednesday, on the other hand, if you make a transfer on Tuesday, your bank will probably apply a value on Monday. Many clients believe that a valuation day is not important, however this is one of the elements of the indecent profits that the bank obtains. Remember that if you enter on Tuesday and withdraw the money on the same Tuesday, you are incurring a tacit valuation overdraft that the bank will charge you along with the maintenance fee.

Legal problems of your home. How can I leave it to my heirs?

Most of us have worked and saved throughout our lives to accumulate wealth that is sometimes limited to the house where we live. A source of concern for those of us who have a home and want to leave it to our children is the greed for revenue from public finances. There are certain limitations and exemptions, as well as some procedures, so that the heirs can accept our inheritance without having to lose money with the transaction.

These operations are for true specialists such as Inheritance Lawyers, to whom we must resort so that our heirs can receive our legacy without endangering their own economies.

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