How to Plan for Retirement

  • by Jesus Barrena
  • hace 3 años
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retirement and pension plan

Time and many times we stop to think about the future, let alone how to plan it, thinking about retirement. Let's see some ideas on how to plan for retirement. It is important not to commit mistakes when planning our finances.

Why plan your retirement

The important thing when considering a successful retirement is to stay ahead of time and be able to afford the life we ​​want when the time comes.

Today is the best time to start thinking about our future. Most of us don't start thinking about retirement until we are 40 years old.

From then on, this topic became a constant in our conversations about the future.

Today we can spend a third of our lives already retired. To enjoy retirement to the fullest, it is important to have saved, and even more so if we have put those savings to work.

Why save for retirement?

Saving is not always easy, in life we ​​go through situations, sometimes we can save and in others not, so the sooner we start the better; since we will have more time to do it right.

We must distinguish between saving, setting aside money for future needs, and investing, which consists of putting those savings to work, assuming a certain risk in order to obtain extra profitability.

Saving is prior to investment. To save well, time and planning are important.

The checking account for our money is not the most appropriate place, the important thing is to be rigorous and set aside at the beginning of the month what you have decided to save, and put that saving to work.

Where can I invest the savings?

In the financial market there are products to put money thinking about retirement. An example are pension plans, or investment funds. Depending on your age and the time you have until retirement, you can choose different products with higher risk and higher expected return or others with lower risk and lower expected return; You must always count on there being this relationship.

To get support when it comes to improving your financial planning, you can consult your financial planner, who, through an initial conversation, normally free of charge, will find out what your current personal situation is and your future goals. With this you will have a chance to know what to do with your savings and investment, the decision will then be yours. With sufficient financial education, you will have the basis to know why to save money for your future and where to invest it safely, depending on your investor profile. Your financial plan will be a success.

You must be aware that it is important that you anticipate your future and thus plan for retirement. The well-known Catalana Occidente pension plan can help you save. As its name indicates, it is a support plan for your future financial situation.

We hope this information helps you make a better decision about your money. In Spain Invest in a housing as a pension plan It has been a very widespread retirement plan in the saving population.

Spain paradise for centenarians

We must remember that Spain is the second country in the world with the most people over 100 years of age. The first country on this list is Japan. The determining factors to explain this longevity are:

  • the good weather
  • Mediterranean diet
  • good health services

According to a study conducted by the Matrix Foundation for Research and Sustainable Development, a large majority of Spanish "centenarians" are found in the autonomous community of Andalusia. Something to which the massive influx of retirees from Northern European countries contributes greatly. They choose this autonomous community for its high quality of life and for the Andalusian healthcare. This last factor is of vital importance, since it guarantees effective care in case of health problems or illnesses.

recommended book:

Extend your life expectancy: How science helps us control, slow down and reverse the aging process (Well-being, health and healthy living). The Harvard Professor's Book, David Sinclair, the scientist who is revolutionizing research on the rejuvenation and life expectancy.


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