What is it like to break up at 40?

  • by Josep Maria Reichardt
  • 1 years ago
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What is it like to break up at 40?

Breaking up at 40 can be a critical time for coming together divorce difficulties with the crisis of the 40s, which may seem unreal, but it affects many people and in many cases is related to the decision or need to divorce or separate.

In this article we tell you how it is separating at 40 what nobody tells you, since it is not usually treated openly.

What no one tells you about what it's like to separate at 40

each case will be different, but the personal, emotional and even existential crisis that sometimes occurs around the age of 40, makes many people rethink aspects of their lives, including their marriage.

The majority of divorce and separation processes take place between people who are between 40 and 49 years old. Is it chance? No, at the age of 40 he goes through a maturity phase in which, just as it happens in adolescence to pass into adult life, at 40 some people feel that they are no longer young and that they are moving towards a life very different from the one they have had and the one they perhaps long for.

One of the most repeated phrases in a large number of marriages in Spain is, If I get separated I have nowhere to go. It really is not like that, because age is no longer an impediment, but psychologically it affects certain factors such as:

  • economic instability.

  • The fact that motherhood and fatherhood are becoming later.

  • The abusive use that is sometimes exerted on social networks, contact applications and the environment that sometimes influences us in a way that does not enhance marital stability.

At this time, separating at the age of 40 is usually a great challenge in the economic plane, because due to the precariousness of the income of many families and the high cost of living, mainly housing, many families who separate at 40 have great difficulties in being able to cover their family and personal needs separately.

It is easy to explain and understand. If with luck the two spouses work with salaries of 1.200 euros, together they could face the payment of the house, on average about 600 euros, and have a good economic stability which translates into a good quality of family life. If a family is currently separated, for the mere fact of having to pay for two houses, the economic capacity is reduced by multiplying the expenses. If each of the spouses has to deal with a house worth 600 euros, each of them will have only 600 euros left to pay the remaining expenses.

The biggest obstacle that usually exists in separations at 40, is usually the difficulty of paying for separate and independent lives and reconciling work to be able to care for the common children.

Another factor to take into account at this time is that, when they separate at the age of 40, many married couples and couples have minor children, which means responsibility to seek the best priority for the common children above the benefit and/or individual interest of each of the spouses. In a separation or divorce with children, the first and foremost thing will always be the well-being of the minors.

divorce papers

If taking all these factors into account, you want to continue with the decision to separate and divorce, here we tell you the divorce papers necessary.

El access to divorce papers ready to print they are available to anyone, but the important thing is not to get the papers but that the process complies with the necessary guarantees so that you and your family can manage a healthy divorce and that you do not leave any of your members behind.

Both marriage certificates as birth of children they can be obtained at the Civil Registry, with an online or telematic request with a digital certificate obtained on the spot in pdf format ready to print.

The same goes for the certificate of registration to obtain at the City Council with the possibility of a telematic request with a download of a pdf document ready to print in those municipalities where this route is enabled.

El regulatory agreement It is the result of carrying out the previous drafts that are necessary until the final agreement is obtained, being able to prepare it with face-to-face lawyers or, if you prefer, online with or without a request form to fill in the data. It will always be necessary to confirm with the lawyer that what is included in the regulatory agreement is understood and correctly protects the interests, rights and family obligations.

The necessary papers for public divorce in the sense that they are issued by the Administrations (marriage certificate, birth of children and registration) must be updated and they do not imply any complexity beyond obtaining them by traditional or telematic means in ready-to-print pdf format.

The most important document and role of a divorce is the regulatory agreement that must be the result of a detailed study of the family reality so that each of its points are a reflection of the rights and obligations of the parties and duly protect each one of them. its members, especially children who in matrimonial law are the most vulnerable.

Some law firms send the drafts of the divorce agreement in word format without any prejudice that you can use it as you see fit. You must be aware that even though you have it in your possession in word format convertible to pdf format, it will have no value until it is signed by the parties, at which time it will have the value of reflecting the agreement reached, but that It cannot be executed nor is it legally effective.

It will not be effective until the parties ratify it in court or at a notary public and the appropriate decree, sentence or deed of divorce is received, at which time it will display full legal effects and the execution of any points that are considered not to have been otherwise fulfilled.

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